Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Platform Lifts Raises the Standard For Disabled People

!±8± Platform Lifts Raises the Standard For Disabled People

Although the governments social focus over the past couple of years has mainly been on the environment and on everyone being sustainable. Because of this government agenda the 2005 Disability Discrimination Act has been pushed under the carpet and is largely forgotten. This article will focus on the DDA, the problems companies face in implementing it and how companies and organisations have used the genius of a platform lift to get around these problems.

When the DDA was announced, it had been the aim to provide 'access for all' and have 100% accessibility in all public buildings across the UK for disabled people. However, according to the Employers Forum Disability Standard 2007, this figure is not yet been met and many public buildings are finding it very difficult to do this. The forum, which enable organisations to assess their companies 'performance' in meeting disabled accessibility standards report that just over 70% of business owners have a public property that is complicit with the terms of the DDA and that there are no significant barriers restricting access for disabled people.

Although this is by no means a bad figure, the truth is that if many companies are struggling to implement ways of making easy for companies to do this. The main issue that is preventing companies from implementing the act are the regulations laid down by the English Heritage to do with listed buildings. These regulations prevent companies who own listed building from making big alterations to the foundations of a listing building to preserve its original architecture (there are certain situations where this is can be done but installing elevators and certain ramps fall foul of the regulations). Also cost and the perception that disability access products are unsightly and detract from the overall aesthetics of the decor, which is very important for most businesses.

However, what has been of big help to business owners is that Platform Lifts can provide a lasting solution to each of these problems. Their small size and flexible installation process means that they can install them quickly without making barely any alterations to the foundations. This means that they are completely compliant with the terms of the DDA. Recently a dentist in the UK was classed as a grade II listed building and they could install a platform lift with ease and speed.

The precision in installation, engineering and design of the Platform lifts means that designers can create bespoke designs that fit into almost any building without detracting from the quality of the décor of the building. For example a certain retailer wanted a black and chrome design to suit their stores appearance, this design was met with ease and with much less financial and time cost to the retailer.

To conclude, Platform Lifts provide a practical, cost effective solution to becoming compliant with the terms of the DDA and do not infringe upon the regulations handed down by the English Heritage foundation.

Platform Lifts Raises the Standard For Disabled People

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tennessee Central Railway Scenic Fall Foliage Excursion to Cookeville 180 Mile Round Trip

SATURDAY, October 23rd, 2010 ALL RESERVED-SEAT PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE NASHVILLE-COOKEVILLE & RETURN 180 mile round trip on a 1 mile long passenger train. Boarding at 7:30 AM Departure At 8:00 AM From TC Ry Museum Station, 220 Willow St in Nashville TN Come ride Tennessee Central Railway Museum's classic traditional American streamlined passenger train through the best fall foliage and scenery in Middle Tennessee! You'll travel through the Caney Fork River valley, see the bluffs at SeboWisha, ride up and down the 3+% grade up to Silver Point and enjoy shopping in Cookeville! Order your tickets soon as this trip will sell out quickly!REGULAR SEATING- Our regular seating is dining car table seating, up to 4 seats to a table. Windows up to 5 feet wide on both sides of the car provide great views of the passing countryside. FIRST CLASS SEATING- Ride in style in our first class coach accommodations. Coach accommodations are spacious reclining seats with 5 ft wide windows on both sides of the car. DOME SEATING- The ultimate panoramic view from our train is from the 20 seats in our ex-Northern Pacific Ry dome-coach car. You will ride in spacious cushioned seats in the glassenclosed dome that is above the roofline of the rest of the train. Passengers have an unobstructed 360-degree view of the entire countryside. There are only 20 seats in the dome, so make your reservations extra early -- these seats always sell out first! CHILDRENS SEATS- children under 2 years old who do not ...

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Stair Chair Lift - Does Medicare Cover the Cost of an Residential Stair Chair Lift For Your Home?

!±8± Stair Chair Lift - Does Medicare Cover the Cost of an Residential Stair Chair Lift For Your Home?

When our mobility is compromised, we quickly lose our independence. When you are no longer able to climb the stairs to the second floor of your living space without assistance, you may need to install a stair chair lift in your home. If this is a problem facing you or a loved one, we can help you figure out if Medicare will cover the cost for you.

Data was compiled from several internet sources to answer this question. It is a difficult question to answer as coverage varies from state to state and depends on your level of Medicare coverage. In general though, the following guidelines are true despite your location or coverage limitations:

· You must have a doctor referral stating your need for a mobility aid, such as a power wheel chair, stair chair lift, or wheelchair ramp.

· Stair chair lifts are generally classified as home modifications, and these are not covered by Medicare. However, the chair itself is not part of the home modification and therefore may be covered.

· You must not be able to stand or walk on your own at all. The chair lift for stairs must be necessary for you to have mobility. If you are able to rise from a chair on your own then the stair chair lift will be disqualified as "medically necessary", and you will not be able to obtain a prescription to have one.

· A Medigap policy may cover some of your expenses, but you will need to check with your individual insurance company to find out what is covered.

We make every effort to provide only the facts, but it is always best to double check in case there have been recent legislative or policy changes. To do so, we recommend the following:

· Visit Medicare's website. To go directly to coverage guidelines for your state, visit:

· Visit your local library and ask for contact information for Consumer or Health resources. You may be able to find an advocacy group that will help you pay for your expenses.

· Check with your insurance company and talk with vendors. Many vendors can negotiate a deal with your insurance company. Some have working relationships which may benefit you.

The question of Medicare coverage can be very complicated. We hope this article has helped you understand both Medicare's coverage and its limitations with respect to in home stair chair lifts.

Stair Chair Lift - Does Medicare Cover the Cost of an Residential Stair Chair Lift For Your Home?

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Keep Pets Safe From Household Dangers

!±8± Keep Pets Safe From Household Dangers

Most responsible pet owners are aware that we must keep our cats and dogs from certain dangers in our home. We know that we need to keep them from chewing on electrical cords, from drinking toilet water that contains self-cleaning chemicals, to keep them away from antifreeze and other chemical products, and out from under the recliner. But our homes also present many other dangers to our feline and canine companions that we need to consider and take steps to prevent accidental poisoning or injury, possibly even death.

Paper Shredders

Most paper shredders have an on/off switch and automatic-feed buttons. The motors may become warm with use and cats are known to love warm places, and they will walk on anything. It offers the cat a cozy sleeping spot, and they may get their fur caught in the shredding teeth. There also have been reported cases of dogs getting their tongues caught in the shredder. Turn your paper shredder off when not in use, and never leave the auto-feed button on. Better yet, unplug the paper shredder until you need it.

Cat Litter

Avoid clumping cat litters, especially with kittens. Kittens have died after licking this litter off their paws. It will swell in their intestine, causing an obstruction. Deodorized cat litters have a chemical base. If your dog has the unfortunate habit of dining from the cat box, the litter can poison him. Stick with basic clay litters.

Washers and Dryers

Cats and kittens love warm, enclosed spots. Keep the lid closed on your washing machine when it is not in use, and make sure kittens aren't snuggled up in the laundry basket before adding the load. When loading the dryer, keep an eye out that Fluffy doesn't decide to jump in and get all cozy.


Pets can get caught in the wheel spokes whether chairs are in use or not. Store wheel chairs in a room or closet away from pets when not in use.

Wire Crates
Tags and collars can get caught in the bars. Be sure the floor fits properly and covers the bottom of the wire bars. The pet should have a well-fitted collar and the tags should not dangle down too far. If the pet will be left unattended in the crate, remove his collar when you leave and put it back on immediately when you let him out. Don't put the collar on the top of the crate where he can get to it and chew on it.

Power Strips and Outlets

Put safety covers on any open outlets to keep your pet from licking the outlet or sticking a nail into it.

Home-Made Play Dough

Kids love play dough and pieces may fall off the table onto the floor. Home-made play dough has a high salt content and may cause salt poisoning in pets, which can be fatal.

Cigarettes and Tobacco Products

Nicotine can be fatal to dogs. Keep all cigarettes, pipes and tobacco, chewing tobacco, and all other tobacco products away from pets. Empty ashtrays often.

Plastic Food Wrap

Pets may ingest bits of plastic wrap when licking food residues off of them, and the bits can cause choking or an intestinal obstruction.

Floor Vents

Your pet's tags or paws can get caught in the vents, pinning them to the hot surface. Cover all vents by wrapping them in layers of net and pushing the vent tightly into the floor. They may still catch a nail, but the net will help protect them burning their paws.


Dogs love to chew rawhide, but small bits may come off and lodge in the throat causing the animal to choke, or create an obstruction in the stomach or intestines. Rawhide chews may also harbor salmonella, infecting the dog and family members, and some unregulated manufacturers may use toxic chemical in the production of rawhide treats.


Even if you don't use continuous-cleaning products in your toilet, keep the lid closed or the bathroom door shut. Small curious pets may fall in head first and drown

Christmas Ornaments

They may look like toys to your pet. Broken shards of glass can cut your pet's paws, and any ornament can cause a life-threatening emergency if shards are eaten. Tinsel and ribbon are cat magnets, and can cause intestinal obstructions if your cat ingests them.

Swimming Pools

Don't allow your dog access to swimming pools without supervision. Most dogs can't climb ladders. Put stair steps in your pool and train your dog how to get out.


Cats especially (and some dogs) may find your liquid potpourri tasty but it is caustic and will burn the linings of their esophagus or even poison them.


Heavy doors can swing shut quickly on a small puppy or cat and crush them, or injure the paws or tails of larger dogs.

Trash Cans

Dogs love to rummage through the trash can, but there is much kitchen and household waste that can injure your dog or make him ill, even poison him. Seed and pits from apples, apricots, cherries, and plums contain a chemical that can cause cyanide poisoning. Onions and garlic can cause anemia in dogs. Coffee grounds and tea bags contain caffeine and tannin which are toxic to dogs. Cat love string, rubber bands, ribbon, and yarn, which can cause intestinal obstructions if swallowed. Pop bottle lids and bread tags are choking hazards. The edges of food cans and lids removed with a can opener can cause severe cuts to the tongue if they try to lick the rest of the food out, or cut their paws if they step on them. Keep the trash can covered with a tight-fitting lid or keep it under a counter with a child-safe door latch (smart pets can open doors that don't latch!).


Your children's' plastic toys that have small pieces that can be removed, and stuffed toys with eyes that can be chewed off are all potential choking hazards to your pet as well. When buying toys for your pet, be sure they are well made with any parts that can't come off. When toys start to wear or become chewed, or the stuffing starts to come out, throw them away and replace them.

Avoid tragedy by pet-proofing your home. Treat your dog or cat as if it were a curious child, ready to get into everything. Take steps to protect them from their own inquisitive nature, and have pet-safe toys for them to play with to keep them entertained and out of mischief.

Copyright © 2007, Ian White Acess 2000 Pty Ltd

Keep Pets Safe From Household Dangers

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Five Factors to Remember While Purchasing Wheelchairs

!±8± Five Factors to Remember While Purchasing Wheelchairs

Suppose you wish to buy a gift for someone who is sick and spends most of the time on bed, what would it be? Well, the best and ideal gift you could give such a person would be a wheelchair. Wheelchairs definitely are costlier than other gift items like a book or a pen set, however, considering the value of what you are giving, wheelchairs do come at affordable prices. Because, through a wheelchair you are actually liberating a person from depending on others and thus boosting his or her confidence.

Whether it is inability to move due to old age, a surgery or wound on the leg or the person is unable to move his lower part of the body due to any ailments, wheelchairs would work simply great. However, when you purchase a wheelchair there are a few factors that you need to take care of.
Make sure that the person indeed requires a wheelchair. Sometimes you might purchase one and later end up offending that person or wasting your money as it turned out to be unnecessary.
Ensure that the wheelchair has all the features that make its use convenient. For example, it should have the arm and footrest which are detachable, a soft cushion that makes seating comfortable, etc. It would be even better if it is a reclining wheelchair.
There are many varieties of wheelchairs available in the market with varying functionalities. Choose a wheelchair that suits the recipient. For example, if it is for a child it has to suit the needs of a child in terms of size. If it is for an overweight person it has to be suitable in terms of space.
Wheelchairs have to be comfortable to use and flexible enough to be customised according to the needs of the person using it like lowering the height or the heightening the leg rest, etc. It has to be easily set up for the patients to use and operate by themselves.
The wheels of the chair have to be smooth so that easy mobility is possible. When the wheels are rough the movement might become difficult and this creates issues for the users, especially if the wheelchair is self-operated.

Today, with technology advancing in every other field, wheelchairs have not stayed behind. There are many varieties of wheelchairs that work on motor, thus lessening the efforts of the patients. Mobility scooters, bariatric wheelchairs, standing wheelchairs, sport wheelchairs, etc. are different items that have been manufactured taking into consideration the changing needs of the society. Just get one for your loved ones who need it and you are rest assured of their utmost love in return.

Five Factors to Remember While Purchasing Wheelchairs

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

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